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Saturday, February 05, 2005

I've been meaning to make these posts to coincide with their dates of release 26 years ago, but I got a little behind.

Nevertheless, here is an article that was published in the French, Tribune in February of 1979. By this time, Theresa had been missing for 3 months and the case had gone cold (My comments in bold).

Theresa Allore toujours vivante?

La Tribune
Sherbrooke, Jeudi 1er Fevrier 1979

LENNOXVILLE - De nouveaux temoignagnes recueillis par les enqueteurs au sujet de la disparition de la jeaune Theresa Allore qui remonte maintenant a plus de 12 semaines les ameneraient a croire que cette derniere serait toujours vivante et qu'elle aurait pris la fuite en direction des Etats-Unis.

Ya, so they say new information seems to indicate Theresa might have run away to the States.

Pour le directeur de la Surete municipale de Lennoxville, M. Leo Hamel, l'espoir de retrouver vivante le jeaune Allore, dont on est sans nouvelle au College Champlain de Lennoxville dupuis le 3 novembre, a connu un regain de vie cette semaine alors que son enquete a franchi une nouvelle etape.

With this new information, the lead detective, Leo Hamel's investigation is entering a new stage.

M. Hamel a explique qu'a la suite des dernieres rencontres, il avait demande une nouvelle verification des vetements de Theresa Allore retrouves a sa chambre d'etudiante au King's Hall de Compton. C'est a cet endroit que logent plusieurs etudiants du College regional Champlain de Lennoxville.

Hamel wants a new inventory of the clothes of Theresa's left in her dorm room at King's Hall, Compton compared to those she was wearing when she disappeared.

Il croix qu'un nouvel examen de ces vetements se trouvant aujourd'hui entre les mains des parents de Theresa Allore pourraient indiquer que certaines pieces vestimentaires manquent, contrairement a ce que les enqueteurs croyaient a la suite de l'examen preliminaire effectue au lendemain de la disparition.

More about the clothes: Ya, I remember this, my mother got confused about what was Theresa's, what she owned. No one thought to consider that some of the confusion might have generated from the fact that Theresa had been living on her own for over a year (ask my mom what I was wearing at the end of my first year of college and I guarantee she would have got it wrong - my room was mostly stocked with other people's clothes.

So, hypothesizing Theresa had run away based on the dubious assumption that clothes were missing was really kinda dumb.

Parmi les nouveaux faits ressortant des derniers interrogatoires on a note que la jeune Allore s'etait montree legerement deprimee quelques jours avant sa disparition; elle aurait confie a une amie qu'elle en avait assez de ses etudes au College Champlain. sans lui confier toutefois qu'elle avait l'intention de les abandonner ou de s'enfuir.

Okay, this one's a little more difficult- a female student reported that Theresa had confided to her that she was unhappy at Champlain and planned to run away. I don't know who suggested this, all I can say is Theresa was pretty independent - she had previously dropped out of Vanier College. She chose to come back to school; had she wantedto leave again, no one would have stopped her - there would have been no motive to take this action in secret.

Ceci vient contredire ce que le pere de Theresa Allore, M. Robert Allore, croyait, puisque ce dernier avait atffirme lors d'une entrevue en novembre que sa fille semblait se plaire aux etudes.

Ya, a runaway contradicts what my father thought; Theresa was happy at school, she was enjoying her studies.

Les enqueteurs dans cette affaire, le directeur et un constable de la surete municipale, un agent du Bureau des enquetes criminelles de la Surete du Quebec et un enqueteur prive retenu par le pere de la disparue, ont rencontre cette semaine a Montreal differentes personnes reliees d'une facon ou d'une autre a Theresa.

Ho, ho, ho... this one is really important, and I guarantee it will come up when W-Five airs the hour-long show on Theresa in March. Currently, the Surete du Quebec abdocate themselves of responsiility in the disappearance of Theresa because they maintain they were not brought into the investigation until after Theresa's body was found. The people referred to above are Leo Hamel and his constable from the Lennoxville police, Roch Gaudreault from the Quebec Provincial Police (the Surete), and the private investigator my father hired, Robert Bullac.

This information from February 1st, 1979 clearly establishes that the Surete du Quebec was involved in the investigation long before the body was found. Further, Gauldreault was the investigator on the cases of Louise Camirand and Manon Dube; it is hard to believe he didn't see the possibililty that there might have been a connection between these women's deaths and Theresa's disappearance. The question is, why didn't he pursue that more aggressively?

C'est donc a partir de ces termoignages qui furent confirmes par la suite, que le responsable de l'enquete M. Hamel retient aujourd'hui davantage le scenario d'une fugue, a celle d'un enlevement; c'est donc en definitive tout un revivrement, car il y a quelques semaines, les termoignages rendus jusqu'alors favorisait l'hypothese d'un enlevement. D'ailleurs, les enqueteurs avaient declare a maintes reprises qu'ils craignaient "le pire" pour la jeune Theresa Allore.

Recemment, les policiers avaient porte leurs recherches vers un boise de la region de Weedon que certaines informations designaient comme etant l'endoit ou ils trouveraient le corps de Theresa. Cependant, ce ratissage s'avera vain.

Hamel's looking at the possibilities of a runaway or an abduction. Curious, this is the first time I noticed the part about Weedon. Weeden is an area East of Sherbrooke / Compton (Camirand and Dube were found West of the Sherbrooke area). The police got a tip that Theresa's body would be found around Weedon. The only thing I can think of is there were two bodies found with gunshot wounds in the Lennoxville area in late 1978. The two offenders were apprehended and it was discovered that they and the victims were from the Weedon area.

Maintenant que certaines indications pointent en direction d'une fugue vers les Etats-Unis, le directeur Hamel a confie qu'il verifierait au cours des prochains jours les allees et venues de certains individus en debut du mois de novembre.

Hamel's going to verify the runaway idea over the next few days.

C'est depuis le 3 novembre 1978 que les parents et lesamis de cette jeune fille de 19 ans s'interrogent sur son sort. Depuis ce temps, l'enquete policiere a connu des hauts et des bas et les indices qui pourraient les amener a elucider tout ce mystere sont fort minces.

Meme si les policiers retiennent maintenant l'hypothese d'une fugue, qu'ils avaient pratiquement ecarte, il y a quelques semaines, il reste que cette hypothese pourra facilement etre demolie au cours des prochains jours; d'autant plus que la jeune fille jouissait face a ses parents d'une tres grande liberte. Qu'est-ce qui aurait pu la motiver a s'enfuir a l'entranger, au surplus, sans laisser la moindre trace, ni en parler a personne; voila la veritable question a laquelle devront respondre les enqueteurs avant qu'ils puissent assembler toutes les pieces de ce casse-tete.

Ya, the million dollar question; why would a young girl leave with a stranger, leaving no trace, and not telling anyone?

Answer, she didn't leave willingly.


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