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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Marc Groenhuijsen is a professor of criminology at Tilburg University, The Netherlands, and a chair and advisor for the International Victimology Website. His influence on victims issues is unparalleled having been instrumental in European criminal law reform set forth in the UN Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power.

In Atlanta, Groenhuijsen was part of a panel on International Perspectives on Victim Justice and Services. He spoke eloquently about the need for continued reform; though he stopped short of endorsing the American initiative for a constitutional amendment for victims, preferring to endorse the more moderate position of criminal code reform. Most enticing was his view on the "next wave" of victim services which would include social rights such as workplace sensitivity, and training for healthcare professionals to recognize symptoms of victimization.

If I were planning a conference, forming an advisory board, or simply trying to develop an informed opinion I would definitely want Marc Groenhuijsen in my corner.


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