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Friday, July 21, 2006

I will tell you some things about us...

Consider yourselves lucky that you have this information:

Supertramp: Crime of the Century was my brother's last gift from Montreal (from Theresa). I am presently listening to Crisis What Crisis, though neither Theresa nor Andre had much use for it.

I was thinking when I was in the West Island in June (six weeks). Unknown to anyone, I borrowed my sister-in-law's bike and took it to Pierrefonds. I rode all around our neighborhood: our house, the Twisty Cream, Fathers of Confederation (new name now). 2 hours through the old haunts (that's my business).

Very comforting. Very scary (that too is my business).

FYI: Theresa used to work at the pizza parlor accross from the Twisty Cream.

"Can you believe it when I say there's nothing I like better, then just to sit here and talk with you."

Mess with me and you're in for the long haul: I warned you.

John A


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